Video & Audio
Bach - St. John Passion: Excerpt of #1 "Herr unser Herrscher" chorus & #24 “Eilt, ihr angefochten Seelen” aria with chorus
Verdi - Rigoletto, excerpts: Prelude, Monterone’s entrance, “Furtivo fra le tenebre…”, La tempesta - “Su, spicciati, presto, fa l’opra compita…”
Bach - Mass in B Minor, “Gloria in excelsis… et in terra pax”
Bernstein - excerpt from Mvt. 5 of Serenade
Verdi — Ford's Aria from Falstaff
Donizetti — Prelude, “Bel conforto…Quanto é bella” from L’elisir d’amore
Lang — Excerpts from the little match girl passion
Finzi — In Terra Pax Excerpt